Trolls: why they are the predominant species of Earth
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NOT a troll. |
Now that you have firm solid grip on what a troll is, let’s explore why they are better. Trolls are:
- Gentle
- Kind
- Beautiful
- Helpful to the environment
- Helping animals not go extinct
- Populating forests
- Rich
Now by this point most of you are probably laughing thinking, “there's NO way this guy can prove ANY of these points”, so let’s take a trip down the list and see what you think by the end of this paper.
Trolls are gentle naturally, except when people intrude in their houses and try to steal their stuff or kill them. Most humans are gentle, except when an intruder breaks into their house and tries to take their stuff and shoot them. Any one of us would be enraged by that, and try to stop them by any means necessary. Sure, there’s rogue trolls, but there’s also rogue humans that try to kill other people.
Kindness goes hand in hand with gentle. There are all these stories of trolls kidnapping human princesses but all they actually want is their head scratched. The water trolls will even give human girls heaps of riches if they scratch their head.
Beautiful is all from a point of view. You might think a dog looks ugly, but to another dog, that dog is the best-looking dog that there ever was. From a trolls POV, y’all are ugly and their beautiful. Don’t go throwing around the term ugly just because they're not the same species as you. You wouldn’t call a dog ugly, so don't call a troll ugly, its hurtful y’all.
Trolls actually help the environment and animals way more than we do, y’all. They don’t pollute the air with junk from nuclear power plants and all that, naturally. They also can use magic and turn different things into animals, preventing species from going extinct (not that they would be because trolls don’t track down and slaughter animals like we do with traps). They plant whole forests filled with gold and lakes and ponds, helping further the animal life.
Trolls are enormously rich, due to all the digging they do. They don’t slaughter, maim and massacre every forest they come across just for some worthless paper dollar that blows away in the wind. Their money is much more secure and doesn’t harm the environment as much as we do.
So now from all that info, you should be able to clearly see that trolls are the predominant species in this planet and all the other ones they’ve taken over. Have you ever wondered what the moon is? It's actually a troll that fell asleep one day for a VERY long time. You ever think you saw someone but then you find out no one's there? That’s actually the trolls taking over. Better watch out, they will be the predominant species soon.
D'Aulaire, Ingri and Edgar Parin. D'Aulaires' Book of Trolls. New York: New York Review Children's Collection. 2000.
Knudsen, Shannon. Giants, Trolls, and Ogres. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications. 2010.
Knudsen, Shannon. Giants, Trolls, and Ogres. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications. 2010.
Rough Draft from the Outline and Notes
Trolls, and why they are the predominant species of Earth
What is a troll, you might say after reading the title. Well a troll is shaped like a man, but he’s a bit more then a man. He’s taller, by a great deal, which might seem like he wrecks everything he touch's, but in fact, trolls are actually gentle. You hear these vast and scary tales of “my family was killed and eaten by trolls”, but in fact the humans themselves started the fight by angering the trolls. If a man walks into your house and steals your wallet, your going to want to get back at them. Back in the days when there was no government or police, they had to get it themselves. So the trolls walked over and got their “wallet” back. People tried to fight and so they retaliated by eating them. Sounds harsh but humans did much MUCH worse things back in the day was I was young... sorry, I digress. So trolls themselves aren’t harmful, such as not all humans are harmful. Just because there’s a troll in your backyard doesn’t mean he’s harmful, just like a baby isn’t harmful unless he’s starring in a horror movie.
Now that you have firm solid grip on what a troll is, let’s explore why they are better.
Trolls are:
- Gentle
- Kind
- Beautiful
- Helpful to the environment
- Helping animals not go extinct
- Populating forests
- Rich
Now by this point most of you are probably laughing thinking “there's NO way this guy can prove ANY of these points”, so let’s take a trip down the list and see what you think by the end of this paper.
Trolls are gentle naturally, except when people intrude in their houses and try to steal their stuff or kill them. Most humans are gentle, except when a intruder breaks into their house and tries to take their stuff and shoot them. Any one of us would be enraged by that, and try to stop them by any means necessary. Sure, there’s rogue trolls, but there’s also rogue humans that try to kill other people.
Kindness goes hand in hand with gentle. There’s all these stories of trolls kidnapping human princesses but all they actually want is their head scratched. The water trolls will even give human girls heaps of riches if they scratch their head.
Beautiful is all from a point of view. You might think a dog looks ugly, but to another dog, that dog is the best looking dog that there ever was. From a trolls POV, y’all are ugly and their beautiful. Don’t go throwing around the term ugly just because their not the same species as you. You wouldn’t call a dog ugly, so don't call a troll ugly, its hurtful y’all.
Trolls actually help the environment and animals way more then we do y’all. They don’t pollute the air with junk from nuclear power plants and all that, naturally. They also can use magic and turn different things into animals, preventing species from going extinct (not that they would be because trolls don’t track down and slaughter animals like we do with traps). They plant whole forests filled with gold and lakes and ponds, helping further the animal life.
Trolls are enormously rich, due to all the digging they do. They don’t slaughter, maim and massacre every forest they come across just for some worthless paper dollar that blows away in the wind. Their money is much more secure and doesn’t harm the environment as much as we do.
So now from all that info, you should be able to clearly see that trolls are the predominant species in this planet and all the other ones they’ve taken over. Have you ever wondered what the moon is? Its actually a troll that fell asleep one day for a VERY long time. You ever think you saw someone but then you find out no ones there? That’s actually the trolls taking over. Better watch out, they will be the predominant species soon.
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